Thank you so much for considering making a gift of your piano or other instrument to Manhattan School of Music (MSM). The availability of donated instruments of superior quality for practice, auditions, and special performances helps our students achieve their highest potential as musicians.
Manhattan School of Music gratefully considers donations of Steinway & Sons’ grand and baby grand piano models S, M, L, O, B, and D that are in excellent condition, or comparable models, such as the Yamaha U-1, from other manufacturers of instruments of the highest quality. Steinway uprights in near-new condition may also be eligible for donation. Steinways considered to be in excellent condition include new genuine Steinway parts, new strings (1 -10 years old), and new hammers (1- 10 years old).
If you are interested in donating a piano to MSM, we ask that you take photos of the instrument, including of the model and serial number, as well as of the strings and hammers, and send them to Julie Wallin, Director of Annual Giving, at A site visit may be requested to further inspect the piano. Any costs associated with the delivery of the instrument are generally borne by the donor. For further information, please reference MSM’s Gift Acceptance Policy.
Other Instruments
Donations of instruments other than pianos are considered on a case-by-case basis. Whenever feasible, arrangements should be made to bring the instrument to the School so that it can be assessed by faculty members.
IRS Regulations
When the value of the donated instrument exceeds $5,000, IRS regulations require the donor to obtain a qualified appraisal in order for a charitable deduction to be claimed. Additionally, the donor will need to complete IRS Form 8283 (Noncash Charitable Contribution) and provide it to MSM for completion of the “Donee Acknowledgment” section. We strongly encourage you to consult with your tax advisor when considering donating an instrument for a charitable deduction.
Once MSM has received your donated instrument, the Office of Philanthropy will send an acknowledgement letter recognizing its receipt and thanking you for your gift.
Contact Information
If you are interested in donating a musical instrument to MSM, please contact the Office of Philanthropy at (917) 493-4434. Please have information about the instrument’s history ready, such as where it has been kept, how often it has been played or tuned, and any repair or refinishing work that has been performed on it.